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Lecturers, educators, trainers and facilitators in tertiary, RTO or other adult education and training contexts will be required from time-to-time, to manage an adult student or participant with a declared, suspected or obvious mental health or behavioural issue.


More often than not these students can be managed with extra support.

Occassionally however a student will present with behaviour which is alarming, upsetting or frightening to the facilitator and/or disruptive to the class.

Individuals may experience mental distress or engage in some other problematic behaviour in response to disordered thinking or feelings.


When managed effectively, the confidence of the facilitator is enhanced as is their professional skill and standing withr students and peers.

When managed sub-optimally, valuable class hours are lost, as is the satisfaction of students and facilitators who are repeatedly exposed to the disruption.


Where a student's issue is associated with a risk to themselves or others the consequences on all may be devastating.

FACE TO FACE can assist adult educators and trainers to more effectively manage those individuals who present with behaviours which threaten the education and learning process for others.

In this workshop participants will;

  • learn about the common factors causing challenging behaviours

  • learn about the role that the participant may be inadvertently playing in the cause or maintenance of challenging behaviours 

  • learn how to prepare training sessions which minimise the likelihood of problem behaviour 

  • learn how to best respond to individuals who are in distress or use challenging behaviours


Participants will learn to recognise signs of possible mental health problems and suggest ways of professionally responding to student behaviour.


Workshop Duration: 5 hours

Maximum numbers: 25

Venue: Large venue with enough room to seat 25 in cabaret style (approx 5 per table) plus room for role play, screen or wall for data projection, table and chair for the facilitator, whiteboard.

Handouts Povided

Certificate of Attendance provided




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